Construction is UAE
Construction is UAE Introduction: United Arab Emirates has been ranked as one of the most developed countries in the world. It has satisfied and happy citizens, as well as other residents. UAE is well sustainable in growth in many other fields, including the economy, trade, investment and communications, in addition to information, technology. United Arab Emirates has the largest 2nd economy in the World of Arab. UAE reportedly had a Gross Domestic Product of $570 billion in 2014. Permanent Committee for Labor Affairs (PCLA) issued a statistical report which mentioned that more than half a million unskilled workers are working at construction sites in Dubai. There are more than 500,000 laborers working in Dubai. More than 1,000 labor accommodations and 40,000 construction sites were inspected last year. ⦁ Total number of migrants in the country: UAE is a hub for large number of migrants w...